First self-portrait with Sebastien

First self-portrait with Sebastien

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Still got a little political fire in me....

Ok, so I am tired having just spent 2 hours on my course (doing 4 hours worth), recovering from a cold, and just generally needing more uninterrupted sleep (we did 4 feeds last night...since when is 7 months a newborn??) naturally I decided to blog....

Okay, an imporant event came and went on October 22nd - Take Back the Night, which I have been a part of for many, many years.  I planned on taking Sebastien to the rally beforehand and then heading home to get him to bed.  On the day, I forgot!  I cannot believe that I forgot about it, but there it is...I think my outlook for my politics has changed.  Baby brain prevents me from remembering dates...but you don't forget who you are or what you believe or who is in your heart.  I promise, I pledge, to pass on my concern for the world (with its biases ;-) to my son.  So, it starts here.... Remembrance day.  I feel conflicted as I write about it.  My grandfather served in WW2 and in fact it is the reason for which my grandmother mother was born...and I was born...and that brings us to Sebastien!  I feel however I can speak out against WAR without offending or dishonouring the choices that people make around war and in times of war, I hope. 

Now, I know that this is a blog...but did you really expect me to spend the next precious sleeping hour writing about my thoughts on war when so many others have done so much more eloquently than myself?  I will just say that I have just finished reading Watchmen (a alternate superhero story, for lack of a better way to poorly reflect what it is about in a few words) for my course...there are some amazing lessons in it about human nature, war, suffering, and connection.  The author is an anarchist, for those of you who don't know...however, he manages still to portray a variety of lenses with which to look at these issues via each character.  So, Remembrance day....yes, a day for remembering soldiers in the context of human nature, war, suffering, and connection.  Like I said I won't waste any more sleeping time and present you with an antiwar alternative remebrance day litany (which ironically is from a christian organization - to not offend anyone, let's just say the irony is that I am not a believer in Christianity)...anyhow, it expresses what I wish to say.....

For all the countries ripped apart by violence and militarism, including those which have endured such suffering at the hands of the United States, Canada and local dictators – El Salvador, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Haiti, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Chile, the Congo, Sudan, South Africa, and more – we cry out...
*No mas...*

For all those soldiers on all sides of war whom this culture has sacrificed on the altar of greed, materialism, and conquest, and for all the marginalized communities where army recruiters tempt and trick already poor youth with broken promises – we cry out...
*No mas...*

For all the Indigenous peoples of the world, including those in the territories occupied by Canada, who have refused to be exterminated or assimilated, and who have resisted bravely in the face of power, defenders of the land, we cry out...
*No mas...*

For all those who today have the courage to speak out against the Culture of Death, facing overwhelming costs, we cry out...
*No mas...*

For all the ways in which we, ourselves, are still part of the Culture of Death – for our over-consumption, the raging inequalities of our society, racism and privilege, the idolatry of our economic system – we cry out...
*No mas...*

For the courage and compassion to break the cycle of violence, in our world, in our country, in our communities, and in ourselves, that we may become true peace-makers and seek justice for all – we cry out...
*No mas...*