First self-portrait with Sebastien

First self-portrait with Sebastien

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Where did I go?

The wonderful world of technology led me somehow to this blog which I had whole hardheartedly forgot existed.  I reread the few entries that are here and was shocked to read my own writing - moms, have you had that experience before?  An intense disbelief that anything intelligible can come out of ones' own brain?  A disbelief that you ever had time for yourself?  Or even a disbelief that you actually once had time for yourself and CHOSE to write/study/use your brain?  Wow, I miss that former self.  Of course, she is still within....7 years later, one more child later.

My life is so different now, I think.  I think I might just start blogging again and find out - I am not sure my 44 year old self is brave enough, but I am going to give it a whirl. Will you witness my story and read along?