First self-portrait with Sebastien

First self-portrait with Sebastien

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mr. Easy-Going

For those of you who have not met Sebastien, he is truly a joy to be around and is extremely easy going, especially for a baby.  Of course, I am his mother, so I am assumed to have this opinion regardless of his temperament.  However, the proof really is in the pudding, so to speak....

4 nights ago, Kaashif (aka Daddy) announced that he was going to try Sebastien in his crib.  We had recently been having difficulty getting him to sleep, both for naps and at bedtime.  We had talked about putting him in his crib and in truly Dad-fashion, no action plan was needed, he was just going to do it.  Night time came and we prepared him for bed, put him to bed and he slept the night in the crib with Kaashif on the futon right beside him (of course he woke for his regular feeds, but went right back to sleep).  He did well and I slept extremely well in my very silent room!  I secretly thought that it just couldn't be this simple.  The following three days he slept in his crib for naps and overnight...with hardly a complaint or a fuss.  He is now on a regular schedule, I know his first nap is between 40-60 minutes, followed by another 40 minute nap 2 hours later if he was up early, or just a 1.5 - 2.5 nap in the late afternoon, and off to bed between 730 and 8pm.

If that isn't an easy going baby, I don't know what is.

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